Marco Dadone Portofino Sigma I

November 21, 2021  •  Leave a Comment




That's about that day

I arrived

with the sea railroad from nowhere


(24 mm f16, 13 sec, iso 10)




to the gate for this place



(90 mm f2.8, 1/4000 sec, iso 100)



a place where rocks

were solid tears from the sky


(24mm f4, 1/3200 sec., iso 800)



and the map could be found

in a seaside stone 


(24mm f2, 1/2000 sec, iso 800)




took the narrow road

growing from one of the lines in the stone


(24mm f4, 1/640 sec, iso 100)



which led me

between planets 

(990mm f4, 1/250 sec, iso 100)




(24mm f8, 3.2 sec., iso 6)



and old white houses breathing blue


(90 mm f7.1, 1/1000 sec., iso 800)



a blue that I looked at so long

(90 mm f2.8, 1/1000 sec., iso 32)




until, after the sparks, a passage was found


(90mm f7.1, 1/1000 sec, iso 800)



and from a deep forest hanging on sea,

showed me a village

(24 mm f2, 1/1250 sec, iso 100)


(90mm f4.5, 1/5000 sec, iso 640)



a strange row of narrow houses

on which I landed flying


(90mm f2.8, 1/5000 sec, iso 400)



and among whose roads I ventured


(90 mm f4, 1/1600 sec., iso 600)


more close

to see the easy life of men 


(90 mm f4, 1/1600 sec., iso 800)



so I waited for every one

 to go away,

and could hear each window's breath

(90 mm f 7.1, 1/2000 sec., iso 640 - crop - )

(90 mm f5, 1/4000 sec, iso 800 - crop - )



and every light's tale


(90 mm f 4.5, 1/2500 sec., iso 1600)




with the last reflections

(24mm f20, 13 sec., iso 6)



that strange sea railroad

appeared again

(24mm f11, 8 sec., iso 10)




and I used it as a runway

in time to reach my skies.



(24mm f2, 1/13 sec., iso 100 - crop - )








24 mm F2 DG DN Contemporary

and 90 mm F2.8 DG DN Contemporary





24mm F2 DG DN | Contemporary | Lenses | SIGMA Corporation (

90mm F2.8 DG DN | Contemporary | Lenses | SIGMA Corporation (



The new "I" series of SIGMA allows You to use very small and lightweight lenses,

perfect for the latest generation full frame such as the SIGMA fpL and the SONY A7 line.


The images are brilliant, incisive, intriguing, almost "foveon" in themselves, so much they make a real three-dimensionality effect.

The blurred rendition is the most pleasant surprise: even the 24 mm, although wide-angle, is capable to focus very closely and at full aperture shows a respectable bokeh. 

The 24 mm + 90 mm combo is perfect for use on every need, for travel, landscape or portrait photography.




La nuova serie "I" di SIGMA permette di utilizzare lenti molto piccole e leggere, perfette per le full frame di ultima generazioni come la SIGMA fpL e la linea SONY A7.

Il tocco vintage della ghiera delle aperture manuale aggiunge qualità e rende l'uso più intrigante.

Le immagini sono brillanti, incisive, quasi di per sè "foveon" tanto rendono la tridimensionalità.

Lo sfocato è la sorpresa più gradevole: anche il 24 mm pur grandangolare, focheggia da molto vicino ed a tutta apertura mostra un bokeh di tutto rispetto. 

Il combo 24 mm + 90 mm è perfetto per un utilizzo su ogni esigenza, per le fotografie di viaggio, di landscape o ritratto.




SIGMA, Nuovo obiettivo Serie I SIGMA 24mm F2 DG DNC | Contemporary - News - Mtrading (

SIGMA, Nuovo obiettivo SIGMA 90mm F2.8 DG DN C | Contemporary - News - Mtrading (


- portofino -



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