three maids - marco dadone -

December 22, 2019  •  1 Comment





three maids marco dadone sigma






enter the Dun and I will tell You a story






enter the dun marco dadone sigma





this summer dawn

the air is so weightless

that I believe to feel




inis meain dawn marco dadone sigma



and You can believe to hear this voice. 



So go on the highest Dun

sit on the top of the walls

wait for the distant waves to cease. 








To be the one in the middle has never been easy

with these corridors of lives

that are my veins,

blue in the evening

pink in the cradle of daylight.


corridors, inis meainmarco dadone sigma




A few

I have known

and did not touch me.


They build strange nests on my slowly curved slopes


nest, inisheermarco dadone sigma





to keep away this greyness


colours, inis meainmarco dadone sigma




to make a slice of immensity

of their own.



fence, inis meainmarco dadone sigma




Watch me little sister 

after sunset

before I get asleep


You always close

and never together.



sunset from inisheer to inis meainmarco dadone sigma




Once we were one



Three sisters spending time

in search of wild berries

hiding ourselves, 


with little blackbird voices 


blackberry flower, inisheermarco dadone sigma




wild blackberries of inisheermarco dadone sigma






and walking through these carpets of stones



carpet of stonesmarco dadone sigma




in days






that still have no end








Even to spot the shy selkies

in windless evenings

was no surprise.


selkie sunset, inisheer marco dadone sigma





To be made of stone,

since those moments lost in time

was more than a destiny.




Yet shadows of memories approach me



when the sun disappears behind my shy sisters leaving for the fresh air of the night 






or in the sea whispers of some winter mornings








and in the splendour of a spring dawn



weightless dawn marco dadone sigma





I feel the connection

that brings us together.




Three sisters, three maids, three islands of stone



three maidsmarco dadone sigma






And You



dont even think to know us 

by walking on this pale cold skin on summer days.



You have to catch our glimp

within the changing of the seasons, it takes time. 



It takes lives.





So stay


wait for that dawn


to hear my voice


come to my perfect circle




dun, inis meainmarco dadone sigma








enter the Dun and I will tell You a story...





marco dadone 

shot on the Aran islands, the three maids Inis Mor, Inis Meain, Inis Oirr, 

with SIGMA cameras and lenses



What I used here:


SIGMA 24 mm f1.4 Art - SIGMA 10-20 mm f4.5-5.6 


for SIGMA ITALIA click here:







me on fb : MARCO DADONE (facebook)

and Marco Dadone


me on instagram: Marco Dadone photography (instagram)


me on Twitter: Marco Dadone (twitter)











Scott Kennelly(non-registered)
Beautiful set Marco! I particularly like the stone carpet and the "fences" photos (including the many walls before those).
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