HEB - Lea Tippett - Marco Dadone: a SIGMA adventure

October 04, 2019  •  1 Comment


Heb title

an unusual four-hands article and images on the Outer Hebrides of Scotland

seen through SIGMA cameras and lenses.


When landscape photography is a passion it happens to meet a lot of people.

Most of them a little crazy.

Maybe for that, it happens that Lea Tippett - SIGMA UK Ambassador - and Marco DadoneSIGMA ITALIA Ambassador -, despite the distance, sometimes share a few days of adventure at unbearable hours, which means never sleep and always search for the lights.  

This helped a genuine friendship to grow, in situations where most of the “normal” people would run away, between howling winds and horizontal rain. 

The perfect playground for this kind of insane sport have been lately the majestic Outer Hebrides of Scotland.

follow me to Taransay LEA TIPPETT

(image by LEA TIPPETT, Sigma SDQH + Sigma 14-24 Art)




Our eyes were SIGMA CAMERAS AND LENSES as we have the pleasure to use a wide range of items. SIGMA is offering the right choice for every situation: in this case to travel light we went for the “little beast” DP0 Quattro which was always in our pockets, together with some of the amazing line-up of the ART LENSES from SIGMA, great to photograph in low lights and with artsy results, due to the f.1.4 aperture of most of them.



(image by Marco Dadone, Sigma SDQH + Sigma 24 mm Art)




So we begin:


come to discover the pristine lights at the turning of the night into day in one of west Harris’ most fascinating part, an almost endless strip of fine white sand facing the ocean and the faraway high hills, a perfect place of harmony



(LEA TIPPETT, dp0 Quattro)


Then jump only a few miles east to contemplate the union of the elements, on a rocky headland in that same Harris coastline, and in that ethereal moment


do make a wish



(MARCO DADONE, dp0 Quattro)




You could notice that the extreme 3D feeling together with sharpness even at pixel level and film-feeling and mood are –hopefully- all there, adding a peculiar touch to the beauty of these lands made of water, stones, wind and sand.



blue on the rocks, HarrisMARCO DADONE

(image by MARCO DADONE, Sigma SDQH + Sigma 24 mm Art)




 Now take a long breath, we’re leaving this almost unbearable beauty… let’s venture inland;

these islands have some hidden treasures…



First, be careful not to get lost in the maze of lochs


Moored up, Lewis, Outer HebridesLEA TIPPETT

(LEA TIPPETT, Sigma dp0 Quattro)



These water-mirrors in good weather will watch You as eyes reflecting the sky,

in cloudy times appear as places of mystery from a tale by some obscure Scottish writer, and when mist comes up from the sea, they can indeed bring You elsewhere. 


While You’re walking on the soft moorland and approach these lakes,

shapes as mystic symbols could appear,  straight from another dimension

cupmarco dadone


(MARCO DADONE, Sigma dp0 Quattro)


And, between lakes and moorland, traces of the times long gone.


It is a somehow dangerous field, vibrant and full of energy.


things have a soul of their own, You see


abandoned, LewisLEA TIPPETT

(LEA TIPPETT, Sigma dp0 Quattro)


It happens that these old crofts, that let You pass by without care when the sky is blue and the sun shines, become alive in moody weather, and –coming near- You could hear their breath, like an aura from the past.




mansion, island of Lewis, Outer HebridesMARCO DADONE

in this house I’m in

rain from the roof

winds through the walls

trees on the floor.

Every Thing touches this heart

and does not fade


(MARCO DADONE, Sigma SDQH + Sigma 24 mm Art)



Time to head north, we’re on Lewis and the sense of open space is everywhere.

On Dalmhor beach to reach a gem of a place, the elements here shine in all their power.

   dalhmore, LewisLEA TIPPETT (LEA TIPPETT, Sigma dp0 Quattro)




Don’t stumble upon the most amazing stones You can find


Lewisian Gneiss, the oldest rocks in Britain and some of the oldest in the world.

  old spiritsmarco dadone

(MARCO DADONE, Sigma SDQH + Sigma 24 mm Art)




Lewisian gneiss of Dalmore beach, LewisLea Tippett

(LEA TIPPETT, Sigma dp0 Q)




Then take the old road,

if You are familiar with nowhere,

amongst pale blue shadows,

between rain and nights

hold Your candle

and go

night comes on the old trackMARCO DADONE

(MARCO DADONE, SDQ + 24 mm Art)




At the end,

at the extreme tip of the islands, what did You expect if not a beacon,

rising from the fuss of the elements.


The northern part of Lewis, an open area where mother Nature rules and the sense of last frontier is palpable.

 Wander amongst the high cliffs of the Butt of Lewis, to meet it.


atlantic swell, Butt of LewisLEA TIPPETT

(LEA TIPPETT, dp0 Quattro)




Where does this harmony comes from?

The sometimes angry, obscure, then peaceful and always perfect meeting of the elements.


Land melts into the sea


land and seaLEA TIPPETT

 (LEA TIPPETT, Sigma dp0 Quattro)





...sun melts into the ocean


the meeting MARCO DADONE

(Marco Dadone, Sigma dp0 Quattro)




Finally, there one thing impossible to avoid.


Everywhere in these magic islands You may roam, there’s always a centre, a core of energy



that is the call of Calanais.


the ritual sunset, Callanish circle, island of LewisLEA TIPPETT

  (LEA TIPPETT, dp0 Q)



Do reach the low hills when the stone circles still hook every one with their magnetic sight,

wait to be alone, look for the moon bouncing

through these old creatures of the earth.


sleeping soulsmarco dadone

(MARCO DADONE, SDQH + 24 mm Art)








Lea Tippett  Sigma Ambassador UK







Marco Dadone Sigma Ambassador Italy












Equipment used:

-SIGMA dp0 Quattro: https://www.sigma-global.com/en/cameras/dp-series/#dp0

-SIGMA SDQH: https://www.sigma-global.com/en/cameras/sd-series/#sd-h

-SIGMA 24 mm f1.4 DG HSM Art:


-SIGMA 12-24 mm f2.8 DG HSM Art:






Norbert Bednar(non-registered)
I am glad to read this article.
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