territories, Sigma 28 mm Art, marco dadone

October 29, 2019  •  Leave a Comment


territories titlesigma 28 mm art marco dadone


I woke up.

No home, no house, windows, walls.

Not a bed I am lying

but a cold field of thin grass.

Livid blue trees out of a land of dreams

in front of my eyes, multiplying

the more I looked at them to find a way


night treessigma 28 mm art marco dadone

"night trees"

Sigma SDQH + SIGAM 28 mm Art

(f/16, 8 sec., iso 100, intentional camera movement, foveon blue mode)



Into the trees thin and infinite I roamed

towards the sound of flowing water.


Until I met her softness

like hair of this immaterial wood

hair of the wood riversigma 28 mm art, marco dadone

 "hair of the wood river"

Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm Art

(f/10, 0,5 sec., iso 100, foveon blue mode)



the stream was leading my footsteps

into a glooming chaos


night flowsigma 28 mm art marco dadone


(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm Art, f/16, 10 sec., foveon blue mode

manually defocusing in the last part of the exposition)




it flew like a siren's call,

unveiling shapes under my sight,

ancient elements nearly forgotten


symbolmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art


(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm Art, f/7.1, 1/2 sec., iso 100)




As I went on, I began feeling,




Little eyes from the dark underwood

popped out

phantommarco dadone, sigma 28 mm art


(Sigma SDQH, Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.4, 1/400 sec., iso 100)


I followed those little phantoms

like light bulbs

till I saw more brightness in the far distance.



Strange feelings accompanied me

a part of my life which has flowed away long ago

knocked at my remembrance


 into the dim light of that underwood,

under disguise

  the both of usSigma 28 mm art, marco dadone

"once us"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.4, 1/500sec., iso 100, handhold)




Things went better with the appearance of what seemed a new day,

hoping I was going to the right direction

the end of summer marco dadone sigma sdq H

"deepness of wood" 

(Sigma sd1 Merrill, Sigma 28 mm art, f/11, 1.6 sec., iso 100, forest green mode)



anyhow, soon I found out that a lot of


were still looking at my every single step,

they seemed about to speak

but no sound came out

from those mouthless creatures 

little somethingsmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art

"little somethings"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.4, 1/5 sec.)



on the other way,

I was talking loud to myself

to achieve more courage,

till I realized that the very sound of my voice

made some of those presences cry,

not accustomed to sounds

in the suspended dimension I was through

tearful eyesmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art

"tearful eyes"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.4, 1/40 sec., iso 125)



...some looked at me disturbed

underwoodymarco dadone sigma 28 mm art


(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.4, 1/80 sec., iso 100)



and some with regret

regretmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art


(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.8, 1/8 sec., iso 100)




but before the air became too oppressive

I reached, at least,

behind the last tree, the end of the valley 


end of the valleymarco dadone sigma 28 mm art

"end of the valley"

(Sigma sd1 Merrill + Sigma 28 mm art, f/11, 15 sec., shoot in jpeg)



hoping for more light up there, and air to breath

from the valleymarco dadone sigma 28 mm art

"from the valley"

(Sigma sd1 Merrill + Sigma 28 mm art, f/11, 2.5 sec., iso 100, shoot in jpeg)



Once climbed the wall of green

instead of the full light

I  found another, stangely dark

upper waterfall, 

with the sensation to have reached

a sacred place


pure fall sigma 28 mm art, marco dadone

"pure fall"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/7.1, 1 sec., iso 100)



following a call, I went towards the water

through the wall of drops

wall of dropssigma 28 mm art marco dadone

"wall of drops"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 24 mm art, f/11, 1/3 sec., iso 100)




to reach, on the other side of the waterfall,

a peaceful wood

pervaded by a sort of immaterial light.


Here the magnetic call was deeper


and I met them.


Souls of the old trees

true guardians of this place


guardianmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art


(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.4, 1/8 sec., iso 100)




proud yet somehow sad  


they stood on their own tree.


In what seemed to be the centre

the light was stronger,


the season greener.


I was admired and contemplated them in

respectful silence


"wooden maid"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1, 15 sec., iso 100)





Until I saw him 



the hangdreammarco dadone sigma 28 mm art

the hangdream

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1,  5 sec., iso 100)



He was suffering.

Carried all the suffering of the ones of his kind.

I felt guilty

Something instinctive, coming from the inside.


Full of grief I was a creep

hiding from a god.


I turned to the sound of water,

on heavy legs

tried to crawl over to search solace.


the vojagemarco dadone sigma 28 mm art

"the voyage"

(Sigma sd1 Merrill + Sigma 28 mm Art)


Autumnmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art

"Autumn solace"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/11, 1. sec.)



but so suddenly

the season has definitely turned

in front of my eyes

into a deep Autumn,

as can only happen under a spell


endmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art


(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/14, 1/2 sec., iso 100)



 And the centre of that spell was ME,

my legs could not move further

I began losing the sight of distant things,


seeing first only the last yellow leaves surrounding me 


leafmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art


(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.4, 1/2 sec.,iso 100)




then the musk in front of my tree

muskmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art


(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/1.4, 1/160 sec., iso 100)



and finally

in a vertigo towards the ground

this last leaf,

a tragic actor remained on the scene

long after the last curtain


curtain downmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art

"after the curtain"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/11, 0.8 sec., iso 100)



then I lost the sense of myself.



I had gone too far, 

been changed

into one of them



from now on,

I will look YOU with my worried eyes,

and You could not catch my silent yell 


between dream and reality

You'll be that brave to cross

these territories.


one in a million marco dadone sigma 28 mm art

"one in a million"

(Sigma SDQH + Sigma 28 mm art, f/4, 1/20 sec., iso 125)









Tech note:


WITH SIGMA 28 mm D1.4 DG HSM Art

this lens is a wide angle: incredibly good for distant yet very close subjects.

Lots of images were taken with the lens wide open at f1.4, the bokeh is out of this world, more typical of longer lenses, or macro ones.

The capacity of focusing very close to the target makes it the best companion to shoot little particulars, as well as wide angle scenes.

The images come out clean, professional, with wonderful fine details all over the frame. The ideal pass to the "other words" of my tales.


LINKS TO SIGMA (click on the names to open web pages):

in Italy: MTrading s.r.l. - Sigma Foto Italia -

English or Japanese: Sigma main site



in Italy: Sigma 28 mm Art from MTrading srl

on Sigma main site: SIGMA 28 mm Art on Sigma Global Vision



for me, the 28 mm f1.4 DG HSM is the best Sigma lens ever tried,

together with the 40 mm Art but more versatile.

Super Higly Recommended

from all the mushrooms with cute eyes up here.

  territoriesmarco dadone sigma 28 mm art


Marco Dadone ?



for my fb page please click HERE

or search marco dadone photography also on Instagram and tweeter


All the images were shoot in the Natural Park of Marguareis (CN, Piemonte, Italy) during Autumn 2019, including the beautiful works of land art realized in the woods.


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